When using containerd as a runtime container, we can still use the docker registry for pod images in kubernetes because basically docker images use OCI format so they are compatible with containerd.
For creating kubernetes cluster with containerd you can learn on previous post “How To Create Kubernetes Cluster With Containerd ”.
I will use the same kubernetes cluster from previous and add 1 more server for Registry Server
Step 1. Prepare Registry Server
Do this configuration on private registry server
apt update
apt -y install docker.io docker-registry apache2-utils
Enable basic authentication on docker registry
sudo vi /etc/docker/registry/config.yml#change htpasswd pathhtpasswd:
realm: basic-realm
path: /etc/docker/registry/.htpasswd
Enable insecure registry on docker daemon
sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json{
Restart docker and registry service
sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo systemctl restart docker-registry
Enable private registry port on firewall
sudo ufw allow 5000/tcp
Create User for Docker Registry Auth
#you can change regadmin with your user adminsudo htpasswd -Bc /etc/docker/registry/.htpasswd regadmin
Try to pull images
sudo docker pull nginx
Tag image before push images to private registry
sudo docker image ls
sudo docker tag nginx
Login to private registry and push tagged image
sudo docker login
sudo docker push
View the login auth with base 64 encode, this is necessary to added in containerd config.toml
sudo cat /root/.docker/config.json
Note the auth code
Step 2. Enable Private Registry on Kubernetes Nodes
Do this configuration on master nodes and worker nodes
Configure containerd config.toml
sudo vi /etc/containerd/config.toml#find [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry] and add the following configuration[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry]
config_path = ""
insecure_skip_verify = true
auth = "cmVnYWRtaW46QzBtcG4zdCE="
endpoint = [""]
Save and exit
next restart containerd service
sudo systemctl restart containerd
sudo containerd config dump
Step 3. Test private registry
Do this on master nodes
Test Pull Images with crictl to make sure our containerd configuration is working
sudo crictl -r /run/containerd/containerd.sock pull
Create Pod with private registry images
kubectl run private-pod --image= --restart=Always